Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Belle From Hell (1)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ 2016 Copyright


Had gotten a phone call from a girl who wanted a satellite system installed. It was 1984, a time when the first generation of satellite systems were being offered. These systems were analog and had to receive a very weak signal from the first generation of (birds) satellites which were available for public consumption. Analog meant that each channel consumed a large amount of bandwidth, or rather the width of frequencies required to up-link and down-link each channel, hence the dishes had to be large. Typically six to eight feet in diameter, so an installation required a bit of planning, concrete, and a site selection which  wouldn't interfere with the beauty of the property.

My company, Audio-Video Electronics was located in New Orleans, Louisiana, on Carodelet Street, just off Saint Charles Avenue. I wasn't familiar with the address that the client had given to me, so I got out my map and soon located it near Norco, just down the Mississippi River on River Road. The drive took right at an hour, turning into an old pebble driveway and going back about half a mile, finally came upon an old Annabellum Plantation Mansion, one of the originals dating back to the Civil War era.

Got out of my van with my tape measure, camera, and clip board, I just stood there admiring the awesome pageantry of this majestic old beauty. Walking up to the door, I literally had to pull a rope marked "Bell", which went through a hole ringing a real bell inside. Soon, a girl answered the huge 20 foot door, which despite it's weight, seemed to open quite effortlessly.

"Afternoon Mister, what may I have you do for me?", she said. I was stunned, this girl was in a full spring dress, which was flowered, matching low heeled mules, and a flower in her hair that matched, too! Her eyes were blue, beautiful cheeklines, and the reddest of lips. I cleared my throat, "I'm Bob Jones with Audio-Video Electronics...I'm the regard to your call regarding a satellite system?"

She smiled, "Why yes Mister James, that would be me...I mean, my name is Tabitha...Tabitha the no other!"

In the back of my mind, I'm thinking this has to be some kind of a set-up...I mean, I owe a vendor a couple of grand, and Big Lou, our local Kingpin about 10 Large, maybe he put me up to this?
Tabitha interrupting my trance, "Mister...are you okay?" Snapping out of my frozen state, "Ah, yes Miss Godchaux, may I be so bold to ask if your Mother or Father is here?

She smirked, "Yes, that would be a bit bold to ask Mister James, now Good Day!"
She started to close the door, I quickly jammed my foot into the door jam, "Wait, wait, wait Miss Godchaux, I meant no offense...I was just assuming, I meant, is this what I think it is?" 
Tabitha stopped the door before it nearly broke my foot, "For your information Sir...I swear, I don't know why I'm bothering to tell you this, but my Father and my (sobbing) Mother, my dearest, dearest Mother have ventured to the Everland...Heaven, what ever you call it...they're Dead!"

I got a chill all of a sudden, hairs standing up on my arms, is business, "Okay Mam, the first thing I need to do is get a good look at your angle toward the Southern that okay?" She looked perplexed, "Well Heaven's Sir, we are in the much further did you want to go?' I laughed, pointing around, "The satellites are up there, further South than we are." She squinted her eyes, "Well, I swear Mister Jones, I can't see wouldn't be pulling an innocent Girl's leg now, would you?"

"Of course not Miss Godchaux, they are a good 22 thousand miles from here in a geo-orbit...that means they orbit the Earth, but stay in one see?"
She smiled, "Thank you Mister James, I so smart and you the cutest thing, too!"

Wasn't sure whether to blush or run, but I continued, "Thank you Miss Godchaux, now you see that area over there...well we need to find a place that looks to the South...someplace that won't bother the beauty of your property, you see?"

She started shaking her head with a look of concern, "So, how long is this going to take?"
"About 3 days...I mean we have to first build a frame for the concrete slab which we set the mounts in, let the concrete set for a couple of days, and mount the dish, and calibrate it."
Miss Godchaux, "And then?"
I was puzzled by the question, "And then...ah what then?"
Miss Godchaux, "Yes, and then what happens?
I felt like this Girl was trying to read my mind or something, "Of, of course, then you have about 6 satellites to chose from...with about 50 channels on each one...depending on what system you select of course!"

Miss Godchaux, "Mister James, I'm a Woman of Means...only the Best shall I desire, do you clearly understand me go about your business of finding South, and you can give me a number for me to write in my checkbook...does that agree with you?"
I smiled in agreement, "Of course Miss Godchaux, only the Best...excuse me while I take that walk, I'll be right back!"

As the days went, the location for the dish was selected, form built, concrete poured, and, the final installation was complete. Two receivers, one for downstairs and one for upstairs in the Master bedroom. Everything seemed normal, basic settings were performed, everything calibrated, I explained the system and how to operate it, she seemed pleased. She wrote and cut me a check for a cool $8400 dollars without so much as beating a brow...very cool!

"Nice doing business with you Miss Godchaux, if you have any questions or need any adjustments, don't hesitate to give me a call.", I said.
She smiled, "I won't hesitate at all, thank you very much, now good day Mister Jones..."

(Two Days Later)

I get a call from Miss Godchaux at the office, "Mister Jones, this is Tabitha...Tabitha you have a second?" "Sure...what can I do for you Miss Godchaux?"
"Well Mister James, I seemed to have pushed the wrong button...I'm clearly not sure...perhaps you could be a Gentleman and have a look-see?"
I shrugged, "Well, I pretty backed up today, but I could make a trip out there tomorrow...say in the morning?"

Her voice changed suddenly, "But Sir, you have offended me in the worst way, I declare...I should have you come and get your things and bring me my money one dollar bills thank you very much...what will it be Mister James?"
I started shaking my head, what kind of lunatic is she?
Trying not to slam the receiver down and just ending this call, I composed myself, "Look, Miss Godchaux, I apologize...I might be able to fit you in this evening, but it's going to be a little late!"

With a sudden switch in tone, she responded, "Well, I declare, bless your ever lovin heart...with sugar on it Mister are just, just my Hero...when can I expect you?"
Trying to calculate the hour long trip, "Let's try 7...7 p.m., does that work for you?", I asked.
"My goodness yes, most certainly...well thank you Mister James, I certainly look forward to your presence...good bye!""
"Your welcome Miss Godchaux, see you then!", trying my best to keep from slamming the phone  down. I grabbed my keys and stomped out the door.

I drove so fast that I actually showed up 15 minutes early.
Pulling the rope on the rope door ringer, Miss Godchaux opened it almost immediately, 
"Well, Laudi Bee Mister James, how prompt we are this evening, won't you please come on in?"
Smelling some wine on her breath and somewhat frustrated with her Southern sense of infatuation, I entered, "No problem Miss Godchaux, now what seems to be your problem again?" She smiled, "Oh, Mister James, I don't have any problems personally...but my receiver thingy...whatever you call it, doesn't seem to want to obey my commands... 
this is something I just will not tolerate, you understand me Mister James?"

"Yes, of course...well, let me take a look at the settings first...this device can be a little confusing...takes a while to get the hang of it...but that's why I configured the satellites on the presets, but...", I stammered.

"Mister James?", she interrupted, "I am a grown Woman...I think I am fully capable of learning new things, new experiences...I have and amazing toleration toward the darnedest things, and I'm'd you say...flexible?"

I shook my head, "Yes, of course...well let's see what we've got here?"

After checking the power supply and connections, I found that the problem was nothing more than a channel adjustment, which looked suspiciously preconceived.

Miss Godchaux approached me as I got up to walk over to grab the remote control to fix the "problem". She was carrying a silver platter with two glasses full of tea, complete with lemons on the rim, and lot's of ice. She smiled, "Hope you like ice tea Mister James...I made it especially for you?" It seemed a little odd, but maybe she did have some compassion, at least for the moment.

Taking a glass, "Thank you Miss Godchaux, that was very thoughtful of you."
Sipping a taste...hey, it "Was" quite tasty. Just the right amount of sugar, just perfect in fact!
After taking a couple of sips, and still holding the glass, I proceeded to explain the problem, "You see Miss Godchaux, there was nothing wrong with the system at all!"

"Now, I declare...really now?", she responded
I continued, "You simply had the output to the TV on the...on the...on...", suddenly I felt extremely light headed. The room seemed to be moving around me, as I saw Miss Godchaux moving closer, reaching out and taking the glass out of my hand.
The last thing I remember is falling to the floor!

(3 Hours Later)

When I woke up I was shivering, my clothes were missing, as I laid against a cold concrete floor.
My arms were bound to a rope in front of me, with tape on my mouth.
Although the room was dimly lit, I could tell it was a fairly large room, with me at it's center.

I saw her walking, from my view from the floor looking sideways, her stiletto heels approaching me as she clicked over. She pushed her shoe against my face, seeing if I responded, "You with me Mister James...can you hear me?"

I mumbled, "Yea!", from beneath the tape, shaking my head.

"Well, that's just delightful to know...didn't want you to miss out on the festivities!", she laughed.
With that, she walked over to the wall, clicking a switch. I suddenly heard a motor overhead come to life. My arms above my head starting tightening up and pulling, as I was being drugg along the ground by a thick piece of rope. I heard Miss Godchaux laughing as the rope started pulling me up off the floor and into the air. I was soon dangling with my toes barely gripping the floor.

"You look quite fetching tonight Mister a nice sweet side of beef!", as she came over and started gripping my sides, slightly piercing my flesh with her sharp fingernails, as though she was getting ready to season a Brisket. "Yes Mister James, just right for smoking perhaps...all tender ands moist...just ahh, dripping with flavor...", as she began to run her fingers down to my only piece of underwear.

I tried to pull back, but she produced a hunting knife from a sheath on her ankle, and proceeded to cut the sides of my garment, peeling them open like a clam. 
All this fondling created quite an arousal.

She commented on my obvious condition, "My word, aren't you a healthy that for me?",
Slapping my swollen member with the back of her hand,
"All for me...I swear Mister James...I don't know if I can take all of that...but I'll tell you what...I'm brought your "A" game, that's all a girl can ask know?"

I tried mumbling to just let me go, but it was fore not, as she just walked off laughing. 
I just hung there, I could hear her talking to herself out loud, 
"Well, let me see, let me see, hmm, so many choices, what's a girl to do?"

Coming back in the room, she started unraveling a brightly tanned singletail whip.
Handling it with all the passion of a Snake Charmer, she ran the braided leather through her fingers, pulling it down till it was completely unwound.

She then applied some oil on her fingers and running it through them again,
"Putting a little oil on it Mister James...just for you...after all, my pleasure, is your pain...but, sacrifices must be made if we are going to truly understand one another, don't you agree?"

I mumbled, "What do you want, what do you want from me?"
She smiled, completely ignoring my question. Going to a cabinet, she brought back what looked like some off the shelf marinade, holding it to my face, "Paul do's all I got right now...I keep saying I got to go shopping, shit!"

She started putting on some gloves, grabbing a paint brush, she started pouring the sauce on top of my shoulders. As it drizzled down my back, she quickly worked the paint brush, spreading the concoction so that it was evenly distributed all across my body.

Walking to the back of the room, holding the handle of the whip, dragging the tail behind her, she pulled the excess to her hand, holding it taught, and pulling back with her other with an aggressive flinch which created a loud crack. 

"I think we're just about ready Mister James...are you ready?"
I shook my head in disagreement as the first lash bit into my back.
The stinging was horrible, within 15 strokes, tears were coming from my eyes, as I literally watched pieces of my own flesh laying on the floor, as I could feel the warm blood dripping down my body.

And then, she stopped, picked up the paint brush and walked over to me, "Oh, my poor baby, your almost goodness look, you sweet meat is just falling off the bone...and so soon too!" Taking the brush and marbling my blood in with the marinade, "Yea, that's a good boy...lot's of flavor in there...just look at that marbling...your something else Mister James!"

Walking around to my other side, she took notice of my still aroused appendage and commented,
"My goodness Mister James, you certainly are a team know, when a girl see's something that perfect, you know what she thinks...that's just good breeding there...yep, that's a keeper!", as she slapped it again with the back of her hand. 
"Well, let's get back to work!", as she walked to the back of the room. 
Taking off her stilettos, now barefoot on the concrete, "Get a little better grip here...oh yea, get my toes planted on this concrete, slippin, little more heat on the whip, oh yea...let's work in that marinade real good!"
With that she lunged the whip back and cracked me so hard, it left a deep gash in my butt. I was screaming under the tape and yanking on the rope in complete agony.
Then suddenly, she stopped...again. She started looking over at the garage doors. 
I started looking, too!

I'm looking at what appears to be a red a blue light, no a red.
Within seconds the side door to the garage was forcibly kicked open.
It was the Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office coming down on a current investigation.
All the Deputy said was, "We figured you'd be out here...she's got a thing about late night service calls...looks like you lucked out!"

They quickly untied me and wrapped a blanket around me. Miss Godchaux had already dropped the whip and left the room. The Deputies attempted chasing her, but after a thorough search of the house, they came up with nothing. When they searched the huge Plantation House next door, they did find a hidden door behind the main stairway which led down into a cellar, which had another door leading back through the tunnel with yet another split passage. One leading back to the garage and another leading back to a utility building across the yard.

They found a prepared wheeled stretcher waiting by it's entrance, apparently waiting for my arrival, for the trip to the smoke house, the converted utility room.
The Deputies eventually found the smoked remains of her Mother, Father, her Cat "Raisin", 
Bob the Plumber, Mike from the Pizza Shop, Barney the Exterminator, and the corpse of a young boy named Peter who apparently had a crush on the vivacious Miss Godchaux, his Love note to her was pinned to his genitals. 

An all points bulletin was sent out, but to no avail, she seemingly disappeared!

Some months later, the Investigators could not find any living Kin connected to the Godchaux family. With that the state took possession of the property and eventually put it up for public auction. As excavation of the utility room continued, and finally was complete, the workers were surprised that it did not rid the putrid smell of smoking bodies. The place where her victims were literally smoked to death

To this day, the new owners claim, that on a quiet night, you can sometimes here the insatiable laugh of Miss Godchaux, followed by the cracking of a whip, mumbled screams, and the aroma of freshly made lemonade. The Legend of The Belle From Hell continues!

                                                                                    Kirk Carter

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